Espoon kaupunginkirjaston aineistojen hankinta-, kokoelma- ja lainaustiedot sekä kiertoluku

CSV file

From the dataset abstract

Acquisitions, collections, loans and circulation of materials at the Espoo City Library in 2006–2017. The circulation is the average of the loan figures, i.e. the number of times the material has been borrowed during the year. The circulation is calculated by dividing the number of loans by the number of volumes.

The following data types are included in the statistics

  • books, Finnish
  • books, Swedish
  • books, other languages
  • sheet music
  • sound recordings, music
  • sound recordings, other
  • DVDs
  • Blu-ray Discs
  • console games
  • VHS videos
  • board games, available for loan
  • other


  • vuosi / year
  • hankinta / acquisition
  • kokoelma / collection
  • lainaus / loan
  • kiertoluku / circulation
  • aineistolaji / material type

Source: Espoon kaupunginkirjaston aineistojen hankinta-, kokoelma- ja lainaustiedot sekä kiertoluku


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Additional information

Format CSV
File size 6000
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 3 June 2016
Metadata last updated 13 September 2022
Created 3 June 2016
SHA256 -