Helsingin Seudun Liikenteen (HSL) Reittioppaan kohdetietokanta


From the dataset abstract

NOTE: This data is no longer updated.

Destination database used, alongside address information, for positioning in Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) Journey Planner service. The data was last updated on 4th October 2016.

The destinations are divided into 11 categories:

  • 1=City districts
  • 2=Terminals and stations
  • 3=Other destinations
  • 4=Commercial destinations
  • 5=Hospitals and health stations
  • 6=Educational institutions
  • 7=Hotels
  • 8=Park-and-ride spaces
  • 9=City Car Club points
  • 1008=Streets without address number
  • 2005=Car rental companies

Attributes of the data and preview on the HSL website.

Source: Helsingin Seudun Liikenteen (HSL) Reittioppaan kohdetietokanta



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Additional information

File size 979000
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 30 August 2016
Metadata last updated 29 May 2024
Created 30 August 2016
SHA256 -