Boundary lines, names and identifiers of Espoo's Finnish- and Swedish-language school admission areas. The material can be viewed on the city of Espoo map service: Admission areas for Finnish-language schools...
The welfare statistics database contains information on the well-being of children and young people in Helsinki. The statistics contain information on, for example, family types, housing and livelihoods of children...
Koulurekisteri is the school history database operated by the Helsinki City Archives. It is the most comprehensive listing available of the history of all schools in the City of Helsinki area, starting from the...
Kouluterveydenhuollon käynnit terveydenhoitajalla sekä lääkärillä, sisältäen mahdolliset sairaanhoidolliset käynnit.
Oulun kaupungin koulujen ja lukioiden, sekä yksityisten lukioiden oppilasmäärät vuosiluokittain. Uudemmat oppilasmäärät löydät Vipusesta:
The boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools maintained by the City of Vantaa, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The dataset contains the admission areas for Finnish-language...
The dataset includes the boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools and pre-primary education maintained by the City of Helsinki, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The dataset...
The dataset includes the number of pupils and students in Kauniainen basic education and general upper secondary education by school and grade on 20 September according to the situation from 2012 onwards. Kauniainen...
The dataset includes the language choices of pupils in comprehensive schools maintained by the City of Helsinki (A1, A2, B1 and B2 languages) by school on 20 September according to the statistics from 2012 onwards....
The dataset includes the numbers of pupils and students in comprehensive schools, upper secondary schools and vocational institutions maintained by the City of Helsinki by school on 20 September according to the...
The dataset includes the number of pupils and students in basic education and general upper secondary education by school and grade on 20 September according to the statistics from 2012 onwards. The statistics for...