The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works...
The landscape history maps are digitally drawn maps depicting the structure of landscape history, primarily based on large-scale maps from the late 1700s to the early 1800s. They serve to illustrate and pinpoint the...
Vantaa City Museum has made its photographic, artefact and archive material as well as its information on cultural environments available under open licence through the Finna service. There are different layers of...
Rakennusinventoinnissa kerätään perustietoa alueen rakennuskannasta. Inventoinnissa tarkastellaan rakennusten ulkoasua, antikvaarista säilyneisyyttä, edustavuutta kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta....
The Helsinki Art Museum’s exhibitions from 1976 onwards and Kluuvi Gallery’s exhibitions from 1968 onwards have been compiled into a list. The list includes the names, times and venues of the exhibitions. The list...
Photographer Signe Brander (1869-1942) is known for her photographs of the changing city of Helsinki. In early 20th century, she photographed a number of panoramas consisting of several photographs each. Originally...
Helsinki City Museum has made more than 48,000 of its materials available under open licence through the Finna service, which contains material-specific descriptions. In Finna, you can find, for example, all 906...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
Yle Arkiston historiallinen tapahtumakalenteri on päivämäärätietokanta menneisyyden tapahtumiin. Vrt. Kalenteri sisältää tapahtumia vuosilta, jotka päättyvät -8, -9, -0,...
Number of loans at the City of Helsinki library since 1860 as well as the population figures at the same time. The data is partially incomplete in the earlier part of the time series. Attributes vuosi (year) lainaus...
An inventory produced by the Helsinki City Museum of the culturally and historically most important staircases in Helsinki. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designer data,...
Building inventories of various scales produced by the Helsinki City Museum in Lauttasaari, Munkkiniemi, Pohjois-Haaga and Laajasalo. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designers,...
Concerts performed and organised by Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO) and the works performed since 1882. The dataset is updated twice a year. In connection with the update, changes and additions to the historical...