Vantaa City Museum has made its photographic, artefact and archive material as well as its information on cultural environments available under open licence through the Finna service. There are different layers of...
Rakennusinventoinnissa kerätään perustietoa alueen rakennuskannasta. Inventoinnissa tarkastellaan rakennusten ulkoasua, antikvaarista säilyneisyyttä, edustavuutta kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta....
Helsinki City Museum has made more than 48,000 of its materials available under open licence through the Finna service, which contains material-specific descriptions. In Finna, you can find, for example, all 906...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
An inventory produced by the Helsinki City Museum of the culturally and historically most important staircases in Helsinki. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designer data,...
Building inventories of various scales produced by the Helsinki City Museum in Lauttasaari, Munkkiniemi, Pohjois-Haaga and Laajasalo. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designers,...
The statistical yearbook of the City of Vantaa has been published since Vantaa became a city 1974. The yearbook is a compilation work that aims to describe Vantaa and its residents as comprehensively as possible with...