Päällysrakenneluokka-karttataso on Ratkosta julkaistu aineisto, jossa esitetään rataverkon päällysrakenteen tyyppi. Aineisto päivitetään tarvittaessa. Aineisto on visualisoitu sen mukaan, mikä on sen päällysteluokka...
Oulun seudun liikenteen bussireittiverkosto kattaa Iin, Kempeleen, Limingan, Lumijoen, Muhoksen, Oulun ja Tyrnävän alueen. Päivitämme reitit kaksi kertaa vuodessa, kesä- ja talviaikataulukauden vaihtuessa. Data on...
Urban weather model results of the URCLIM project. Data includes temperature at 2m high, moderate and strong heat stress during summer months and road weather for traffic and pedestrians during winter. Average daily...
The guide map of Kauniainen is a dataset with a generalised position accuracy, which is made to give a wide overview of the entire city and to guide the user to a specific address. The optimum operating scale is...
The Parking payment zones dataset includes the parking payment zones of the inner city of Helsinki as area-type features (polygons). If necessary, the dataset is updated as the location or information of the zones...
The data includes the decided tourist traffic stops and parking places in the inner city area. The traffic signs must be checked for permitted parking spaces. The data is available for download in several formats,...
Centrelines of the Vantaa roadways and driving lanes as a hybrid model. The dataset covers the entire Vantaa to the airport gates, as well as a few routes going through neighbouring municipalities. Driving lanes cover...
The City of Helsinki's noise report, which complies with the EU's Environmental Noise Directive (END), examines the environmental noise caused by road and rail traffic in the Helsinki area. The noise report has been...
Oulun Opaskartta on yleistetty karttatuote, jonka ylläpitomittakaava on 1:10 000. Oulun Opaskartta kattaa seuraavat Oulun seudun kuntien opaskartat: Hailuoto, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Oulu ja Tyrnävä. Kartta...
The guide map of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is a map of the area with a generalised documentation technique, produced to assist in positioning and guidance. The guide map is produced from the guide map data...
The prioritised winter maintenance network for pedestrians and cyclists in Helsinki includes routes where sweeping and salting and intensified maintenance are used in winter 2016–2017. The data assists in the route...
Materials related to Espoo's traffic routes can be accessed through the city's WFS and WMS spatial data interfaces. At the Liikenne -layer, the edges of the streets are visible, while at the GIS: Keskilinjat -layer,...
The guide map of Espoo and Kauniainen is a dataset with a fairly generalised position accuracy, which is made to give a wide overview of the entire cities and to guide people to a specific address. The optimum...
Planned Jokeri Light Rail line and stops from Itäkeskus in Helsinki to Keilaniemi in Espoo. Jokeri Light Rail is a light rail line planned to run between Itäkeskus and Keilaniemi. The geographic dataset shows the...
The accessibility zones of the Helsinki region's train and metro stations indicate the distance between the stations as the crow flies and a network of light traffic. The circle buffers tell the distance of the...
Accessibility in terms of travel time to train and metro stations in the Helsinki metropolitan area by walking and cycling along light traffic routes. Accessibility zones have been calculated for time spans of 5, 10...
The guide map of the City of Helsinki is a map of the Helsinki area with a generalised documentation technique, produced to assist in positioning and guidance. The guide map is produced from the map data maintained by...
Vantaa's guide maps from different years are available through the WMS interface. In addition, the maps can be viewed in the Vantaa Map Service. The tourist map is a guide map to getting around the area of Vantaa. It...
The register of public areas (YLRE) is a system of the Helsinki Urban Environment Division that contains information about the city’s street and green areas. The dataset is maintained for the use of the division and...