The City of Helsinki awards annual grants to non-profit activities that support the City's activities and objectives. Various types of grants are available to registered associations, limited companies, foundations,...
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language as of 31.12.1980.
This dataset provides statistics on families in Helsinki region by family type.
This dataset provides statistics on population of Uusimaa by main activity, age and sex as of 31.12.2001.
This dataset provides statistics on deaths in Uusimaa by age and sex since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on persons having moved to Uusimaa by region of origin or destination, native language and age since 1999.
This dataset provides statistics on live births in Uusimaa by age of mother since 1987.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of people employed in the area in 1980-2017 and a projection of the number of jobs by municipality / region and by industry category in the Uusimaa regions in 2018-2035.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by native language, gender and age since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by age group since 1961.
This dataset provides statistics on population projections used in the Uusimaa region's workplace projection.
This dataset provides statistics on jobs in Uusimaa (area employed) by industry (TOL 2008) as of 31.12.2007.
This dataset provides statistics on household-dwelling units in Uusimaa by number of people and oldest age as of 31.12.1994.
Aluesarjat - Key figures enables the use of statistical data by sub-region of Helsinki using the open WFS interface. The statistics are based on the data in the Helsinki region statistical database. The information is...
Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteisen väestöennustejärjestelmän SAS-lähdekoodit, ohjeet ja raportit. Vantaa, Helsinki ja Espoo toteuttivat väestöennustesovelluksen vuosina 2020-2022 yhteishankkeessa, joka sai avustusta...
The Nordstat database, implemented in cooperation between the Nordic countries, contains basic statistics as time series on the largest cities and urban regions in the Nordic countries. The statistics for entire...
The welfare statistics database contains information on the well-being of children and young people in Helsinki. The statistics contain information on, for example, family types, housing and livelihoods of children...
This dataset provides statistics on the workplaces (employees in the area) in the Helsinki region by industry classification (TOL) 2008.
This dataset provides statistics on the employed work force in Helsinki by the industry classification (TOL 2008).
This dataset provides statistics on the workplaces (employees in the area) in Helsinki by industry classification (TOL) 2008.