Monthly and annual averages of air pollution, concentrations comparable to norms, maximum hour values and data on the temporal representativeness of measurements in Uusimaa.
The data contains information on the energy consumption, production and greenhouse gas emissions of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) in 2010-2023 as well as similar operations in 2009. The...
Monitoring site data includes permanent monitoring sites, mobile monitoring sites and passive samplers, as well as the annual average concentrations (μg/m3) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured at these sites in...
Monthly and annual averages of air pollutants in the Helsinki metropolitan area, concentrations comparable to standards, maximum hourly values and data on the temporal representativeness of monitoring.
The City of Helsinki's environmental accounts are part of the city's environmental report. It describes the city's income, expenses and investments that have been generated primarily for environmental protection...
The City of Helsinki environment report is a joint report by the City Group that describes the implementation of the city's environmental objectives and the impact of its operations on the environment. The information...
The material contains the air quality indices of HSY’s air quality monitoring sites on an hourly basis. The air quality index divides air quality into five different classes, from good to very poor. The index classes...