Monitoring site data includes permanent monitoring sites, mobile monitoring sites and passive samplers, as well as the annual average concentrations (μg/m3) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured at these sites in...
Oulun kaupungin julkiseksi merkityt palautteet seuraavilta palvelualueilta: asuminen ja ympäristö, sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut, päivähoito ja koulutus, kulttuuri, liikunta ja ulkoilu, kiinteistöhoito, ateria- ja...
The dataset includes data collected with an open map-based survey on the acceptability of wind power in Helsinki. The survey was carried out from 15 June to 31 August 2021, and almost 2,500 people responded. The...
The dataset shows the industry noise zones involved in the study calculated with the noise indicators Lden and Lnight according to the Environmental Noise Directive. The data is calculated in 2015. The noise level for...
Monthly and annual averages of air pollutants in the Helsinki metropolitan area, concentrations comparable to standards, maximum hourly values and data on the temporal representativeness of monitoring.
The City of Helsinki's environmental accounts are part of the city's environmental report. It describes the city's income, expenses and investments that have been generated primarily for environmental protection...
The City of Helsinki environment report is a joint report by the City Group that describes the implementation of the city's environmental objectives and the impact of its operations on the environment. The information...
The material contains the air quality indices of HSY’s air quality monitoring sites on an hourly basis. The air quality index divides air quality into five different classes, from good to very poor. The index classes...
Lintuatlaksen tavoitteena on selvittää Suomen pesimälintulajien levinneisyydet sekä tutkia lajien levinneisyyksien muutoksia. Lintulajien esiintymistieto on kerätty 10x10 km2 yhtenäiskoordinaatistoruuduista koko...
Suomen putkilokasvien levinneisyyskartasto. Sisältää karttoja ja tilastotietoja putkilokasvien levinneisyydestä Suomessa. Lisätietoa:
Tampereella sijaitsevat luonnonmuistomerkit. Aineisto on muodostettu kuvaruutudigitointina kantakartalla. Aineiston natiivi koordinaattijärjestelmä on ETRS-GK24 (EPSG:3878). Saatavissa myös WMS- ja WFS-palveluna....
Environmental permits in the City of Helsinki. The Environmental Protection Act defines the activities that require an environmental permit. The Environmental Protection Decree, on the other hand, determines whether...
The data includes traffic noise zones in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen). The dataset contains a breakdown of road and rail traffic noise zones, as well as day and night times....
The statistical yearbook of the City of Vantaa has been published since Vantaa became a city 1974. The yearbook is a compilation work that aims to describe Vantaa and its residents as comprehensively as possible with...