Suitable areas for solar panels in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data indicates potential locations for solar panels. The data presents suitable areas for solar panels. A roof section is suitable for solar...
The material describes the heat loss from the roofs of Helsinki. Thermal radiation detected on the roofs of buildings is presented in 30 cm pixels. The roofs of Helsinki were photographed using a thermographic camera...
The data contains the photovoltaic production potential calculated per building, provided that the entire area suitable for solar panels is covered with solar panels. When calculating the annual electricity production...
In the dataset, the land area is classified into impermeable surfaces such as streets and buildings, vegetation of different heights, open rock, and bare ground. It is used for example in stormwater management,...
Upward direct or reflected lighting (nW/cm2/sr) at night in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The images were taken in May 2014. The data was completed in the Decumanus project and it was produced by Eurosense, a...
The dataset shows the industry noise zones involved in the study calculated with the noise indicators Lden and Lnight according to the Environmental Noise Directive. The data is calculated in 2015. The noise level for...
Lists of the most borrowed adult books at the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The lists cover the 100 most borrowed adult books (fiction and non-fiction). The data starts at the beginning of...
Lists of the most borrowed children’s books at the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The lists cover the 100 most borrowed children’s books (fiction and non-fiction). The data is quarterly and...
The total reservations for the books of the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa on the dates indicated in the tab title. The list includes books that had at least 5 reservations at the time of the...
The boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools maintained by the City of Vantaa, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The dataset contains the admission areas for Finnish-language...
Tässä suosituksessa määritetään toimipaikkakäsitteen sisältö ja sen käyttöala. Lisäksi suosituksessa määritellään toimipaikkakäsitteeseen läheisesti liittyviä muita käsitteitä, jotta voidaan välttää käsitteelliset...
Kuntien ja kuntayhtymien XBRL-taksonomia on kuntien ja kuntayhtymien yhteinen taloustietojen raportoinnissa käytettävä standardi, jolla mahdollistetaan tietojen automaattinen toimittaminen erilaisiin ulkoisen...
Number of cyclists in Helsinki per hour from the beginning of 2014. The number of cyclists is calculated automatically at 16 different measuring points. The location coordinates of the counting machines are indicative...
This dataset provides Helsinki's street cleaning plans. API can be queried for CSV files, see instructions below. Basic query which returns street cleaning plans for the next day:...
The body of the open boat data covers details on registered boats and the municipal which used in from the traffic register maintained by Traficom.
Monthly statistics on the numbers of visitors at swimming halls in Espoo since 2009 and an annual summary since 2004. If a field contains the value of 0, the swimming hall was closed for that month.
Miten aineisto on koottu? MOT:n määritelmä yritystuista on peräisin TEM:n omasta Yritystukiselvityksestä (7/2012). Aineistoon on yhdistetty ne TEM:n, Tekesin, Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön, Liikenneviraston,... tarjoaa sovelluskehittäjien käyttöön avoimen rajapinnan, jonka kautta sovellukset voivat hakea tietoa kuntalaisaloitteista ohjelmallisesti. tarjoaa sovelluskehittäjien käyttöön avoimen rajapinnan, jonka kautta sovellukset voivat hakea tietoa kansalaisaloitteista ohjelmallisesti.
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