This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language as of 31.12.1980.
This dataset is updated annually. It provides time series of the most important statistics and phenomenons in Vantaa and its districts.
Population of Vantaa contains the most important population data concerning the whole city and its districts. It includes data, for example, on the age and gender structure of the population, native languages,...
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language 31.12.1999- and population projection -2034.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by level of education, primary occupation, gender and native language.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by primary occupation, age, gender and native language.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by age, gender, language and marital status 31.12.2001-.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language 31.12.1980-.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language and age 31.12.1999-.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Vantaa by native language and age group 31.12.1998-.
This dataset includes data on the population of Vantaa by gender, age and language (Swedish) 31.12.1998-.
The statistical yearbook of the City of Vantaa has been published since Vantaa became a city 1974. The yearbook is a compilation work that aims to describe Vantaa and its residents as comprehensively as possible with...