This list includes acquisition appropriation projects from 1992 onwards. The table includes the name of the artist, the title of the artwork, completion year, location (school, health station, etc.), street address...
The Helsinki Art Museum’s exhibitions from 1976 onwards and Kluuvi Gallery’s exhibitions from 1968 onwards have been compiled into a list. The list includes the names, times and venues of the exhibitions. The list...
City of Helsinki art and culture subsidies in 2010-2016. The data is also in English. From 2023 onwards, grants awarded by the City of Helsinki are opened in the same dataset. The data includes: Operating subsidies...
The total reservations for the books of the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa on the dates indicated in the tab title. The list includes books that had at least 5 reservations at the time of the...
Monthly volumes of loans for each Helsinki City Library location since January 1996. Data on long-distance and electronic loans are not included. Attributes: kirjasto / library vuosi / year kuukausi / month lainaus:...
Monthly visits in every library of the City of Helsinki since January 1999. Attributes: kirjasto (library name) vuosi (year) kuukausi (month) käynnit (number of visits)
The numbers of loans by library at the City of Helsinki libraries since 1984. Long-distance and electronic loans are not included. Attributes: kirjasto (library) vuosi (year) lainaus (number of loans)
Number of visitors at every City of Helsinki library since 1984. Attributes: kirjasto (library) vuosi (year) käynnit (visitors)
Number of loans at the City of Helsinki library since 1860 as well as the population figures at the same time. The data is partially incomplete in the earlier part of the time series. Attributes vuosi (year) lainaus...
Numbers of books and book loans by language at the Helsinki City Library since 2001.
Grants awarded by the Youth Sub-committee of the City of Helsinki Culture and Leisure Committee in 2002-2020. The dataset includes information on the beneficiary of the grant, the form of association, the location,...
Statistics on the acquisition, removal, collections, circulation and loans of material at the city library of Helsinki.
Helsinki City Library’s statistics for different years on library card users by gender and age group. The time series starts from 2007. Users of the library card include customers who, during the year, have:...