Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY) collects hazardous waste in Espoo, Helsinki, Kirkkonummi and Vantaa. The material includes hazardous waste collection points. Hazardous waste from households is accepted at...
Land cover mapping of impervious surfaces in Helsinki Metropolitan Area using AI. The pixel values represent the probability that the pixel is impervious, and they range between 0 and 254. Pixel values above 127 can...
Land cover mapping of bare land in Helsinki Metropolitan Area using AI. The pixel values represent the probability that the pixel is bare land, and they range between 0 and 254. Pixel values above 127 can be...
Urban weather model results of the URCLIM project. Data includes temperature at 2m high, moderate and strong heat stress during summer months and road weather for traffic and pedestrians during winter. Average daily...
City plans that were approved and came into force in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 are a geographic dataset containing areal geometries. The data contains the delimitations of those city plans that indicate residential...
Completed apartments in 2020, 2021 and 2022 is dataset with point-shaped spatial information covering 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Vantaa, Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava,...
Buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area has been published on the basis of data from the regional basic register maintained by HSY for the municipalities Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. For Espoo, the...
In its area of operation, HSY provides for the distribution and sewage drainage of domestic water in accordance with the needs of community development. Within the water supply service area, the property must join the...
HSY prepares an annual presentation on the maximum prices of lots applied in the Helsinki metropolitan area in housing production supported by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). The objective...
The Sortti collection vehicles (earlier: touring collection vehicles) of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) tour every year in Espoo, Kauniainen, Helsinki, Vantaa and Kirkkonummi. The data...
Grid-based sum dataset on the number of jobs (full-time equivalents) and establishments in the Helsinki region. The dataset also contains information on the largest industries and personnel numbers. The data has been...
The data contains information on the extent of HSY’s stormwater sewerage area at property level. The stormwater sewerage area is based on Section 17 a of the Water Services Act. A property located in the stormwater...
The dataset contains information on valid city plans in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Vantaa) in floor square metres, summed up at the block level (SeutuRAMAVA by block). The data...
Aerial orthoimages of the Helsinki metropolitan area from 2015 to 2023. The latest orthoimages of the Helsinki metropolitan area were acquired in June 2023. The ground sampling distance (GSD) is 5 cm/pixel. The...
Map data that shows the amount of solar radiant energy calculated on the roofs of buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The solar radiant energy has been modelled on roofs in pixels of 50 cm (kWh/m2/year) with...
The dataset shows the areas where the annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide (40 µg/m3) has exceeded or has been in danger of exceeding. In 2022 it was estimated that the annual limit value of nitrogen dioxide will...
Monitoring site data includes permanent monitoring sites, mobile monitoring sites and passive samplers, as well as the annual average concentrations (μg/m3) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured at these sites in...
The material contains approved, legally valid and proposed city plans in the Helsinki region in 2012–2015 in geographic dataset. The Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority has collected geographic datasets...
The accessibility zones of the Helsinki region's train and metro stations indicate the distance between the stations as the crow flies and a network of light traffic. The circle buffers tell the distance of the...
Accessibility in terms of travel time to train and metro stations in the Helsinki metropolitan area by walking and cycling along light traffic routes. Accessibility zones have been calculated for time spans of 5, 10...