This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by age group since 1961.
The population and the population projection of Helsinki by district.
Population of Vantaa contains the most important population data concerning the whole city and its districts. It includes data, for example, on the age and gender structure of the population, native languages,...
Population in Helsinki by age and district in 2004-.
The population grid contains grid-based data on the population total, age distribution and occupancy rate of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material covers the years 1997–2003 and 2008–. Attribute data...
Other population in Helsinki or people whose residential area has not defined by age in 2004-.
Other than Finnish- or Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, sex and district in 2004-.
Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, sex and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age, sex and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by place of birth, sex and age in 2004-.
Men in Helsinki by age (5-year) and district in 2004-.
Women in Helsinki by age (5-year) and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (1 year, cumulative), sex, and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (5-year) and district in 2004-.
Swedish speaking population in Helsinki by age and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (5-year), language, sex and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (1 year), sex, and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (5-year) and district in 2004-.
Other than Finnish- or Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, marital status and in 2004-.
Finnish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, marital status and in 2004-.