The Helsinki districts dataset includes the boundary lines of the city districts, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The initial data for the maintenance of the city district dataset is the base map...
Statistical tables of Helsinki’s Nuoret alueittain (Youth by Area) publications. Nuoret alueittain was published by the City of Helsinki Urban Facts between 2005 and 2014. The publication contains regional data on,...
Oulun kaupunginosien asuntokuntatilastot asuntokuntien henkilömäärän mukaan. HUOM! Julkaistu ainoastaan 1.1.2015 tilanne. Uudemmat aineistot saatavilla Tilastokeskuksen kautta.
The regional map is general map dataset compiled from the data of the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region. The map is divided into sections describing land use (built-up area, undeveloped area, industrial area,...