This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Kauniainen. API address: Layers: Kauniaisten ortokartta Kauniaisten ortokartta 2001 Kauniaisten ortokartta 2005...
The guide map of Kauniainen is a dataset with a generalised position accuracy, which is made to give a wide overview of the entire city and to guide the user to a specific address. The optimum operating scale is...
Buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area has been published on the basis of data from the regional basic register maintained by HSY for the municipalities Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. For Espoo, the...
The confirmed city plan of Kauniainen is a combined map of the local detailed plans in force in the area of the City of Kauniainen. The confirmed city plan shows the planned land use as a combination of the city’s...
In its area of operation, HSY provides for the distribution and sewage drainage of domestic water in accordance with the needs of community development. Within the water supply service area, the property must join the...
Pirkanmaan maakuntakaava 2040 on koko maakunnan yhteinen, yleispiirteinen maankäytön suunnitelma. Se sisältää kartalla esitettävän kuvauksen alueiden käytöstä ja yhdyskuntarakenteen kehittämisen periaatteista....
Pirkanmaan ekosysteemipalvelut -hanke valmistui vuonna 2015. Hankkeessa tunnistettiin Pirkanmaan luonnon ekosysteemien tuottamia ekosysteemipalveluita, niiden sijaintia ja tuotantopotentiaalia. Paikkatietoaineisto...
Aineisto kattaa Väyläviraston ylläpitämän maantieverkon. Tälle tietolajille inventoidaan keskikaiteissa olevat kulkuaukot, niiden leveys ja niissä mahdollisesti olevan puomin olemassaolo. Puomin tarkemmat tiedot...
Aineisto kattaa Väyläviraston ylläpitämän maantieverkon. Kantavuusmittauksen suorittamisesta tierekisteriä varten on oma erillinen ohjeensa. Tarkasteltavalta osuudelta tutkitaan tasavälein yleensä 10 mittauspistettä,...
Aineisto kattaa Väyläviraston ylläpitämän maantieverkon. Tälle tietolajille inventoidaan kaikki maanteiden ja kevyen liikenteen väylien varrella sijaitsevat tieliikenneasetuksen mukaiset pysyvät liikennemerkit,...
Carbon Sink Mapping of Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The data contains a report (in Finnish) and a GIS dataset. The GIS dataset shows the carbon storage in both soil and vegetation for each vegetated area.
The dataset depicts the first World War-era fortifications, as well as some details of the fortifications. The data is based on a survey commissioned by the Public Works Department of the City of Helsinki in 1996 of...
HSY prepares an annual presentation on the maximum prices of lots applied in the Helsinki metropolitan area in housing production supported by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). The objective...
Map level shows real-time air quality as an index of air quality in the permanent and mobile measurement stations of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY). The measurement result is updated hourly. HSY...
Data related to Espoo’s nature and environment can be accessed through the city’s WFS and WMS geographic data interfaces. The datasets include nature reserves, traditional landscapes, nature trails and valuable...
This dataset provides borders of real estates owned by city of Espoo. It also contains real estates that have been granted or rented internally. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo....
This dataset provides borders of real estates in Espoo. It is updated on a weekly basis. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. API addresses: WMS:...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Helsinki in GIS API from 1932 to present day. Additionally, photos from 1988, 1976, 1969, 1964, 1950, 1943 and 1932 are provided as image files. The Helsinki area is...
Vantaa's orthophotographs from different years are available through the WMS interface. An orthophoto is an aerial map of the entire area of Vantaa. An orthophotograph is an aerial mosaic of aerial photographs...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Espoo and Kauniainen from 1950, 1969, 1976, 1996 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023. API address: WMS:...