Lipas sport facility register collects Finland's sport facilities, recreational areas and outdoor routes into single nation-wide database. Database includes location information and attribute information.
WMS-rajapinta sisältää rasterikarttatasot mm. Turun pyöräteistä, bussireiteistä ja -pysäkeistä, kaupunginosista, postinumeroalueista sekä yleis- ja asemakaavoista. WFS-rajapinta sisältää mm. Turun asemakaavan ja...
The dataset shows the areas where the annual limit value for nitrogen dioxide (40 µg/m3) has exceeded or has been in danger of exceeding. In 2022 it was estimated that the annual limit value of nitrogen dioxide will...
The Helsinki component master plans index is a combined map of the component master plans valid in the city. The purpose of the master plan is to provide general guidance on the community structure and land use of a...
A component master plan supplements or amends the master plan for the entire municipality. The master plan is a general plan of the organisation of land use and traffic that covers the whole city. The master plan...
The Master Plan 2002 is a general plan of the City of Helsinki for the organisation of land use and traffic that covers the whole city. A new master plan is drawn up in Helsinki approximately every ten years and it...
The City of Helsinki's noise report, which complies with the EU's Environmental Noise Directive (END), examines the environmental noise caused by road and rail traffic in the Helsinki area. The noise report has been...
The building prohibitions dataset is a thematic map compiled by the City Survey Services of the City of Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division on the city’s existing building prohibition areas. An area or property may...
The dataset includes the up-to-date partition of real estate in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register. The following attributes have...
The dataset includes the unseparated parcels in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register. Parcel refers to an area of a property with...
The cadastral map of Helsinki is a general terrain map showing the property codes and boundaries in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki. The cadastral map also shows the boundaries and codes of plot...
The pictorial map is a bird’s-eye view map of the inner city of Helsinki. Buildings and other features are presented in 3D. The map covers the southern inner city of Helsinki. The scale of the dataset is 1:6,700....
The base map of Helsinki is a large-scale (1:500) map maintained by the Urban Environment Division’s City Survey Services and used as a basis for city planning and civil engineering. The base map serves as a map...
With the Nature Information System, you can get to know the diverse nature of Helsinki. The most important natural resources of the system are nature conservation sites, valuable flora and fauna sites, important bird...
Old detailed plans of Helsinki. The detailed plan maps for years 1820, 1838 and 1878 can be downloaded as TIFF-files. The guidemaps for all years can be found through WMS API. Previewing the data in the
Monitoring site data includes permanent monitoring sites, mobile monitoring sites and passive samplers, as well as the annual average concentrations (μg/m3) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured at these sites in...
The confirmed town plan of Espoo includes the valid plan symbol at each location. However, the exact meanings of the plan symbols vary between town plans. Therefore, the reader of the confirmed town plan must find out...
Oulun kaupungin alueelta on tuotettu eri aikoina ja eri alueilta useita ortoilmakuvia. Ortoilmakuva on oikaistu ilmakuva, joka kuvaa maanpintaa kohtisuoraan ilmasta katsottuna eli siitä on poistettu kameran...
Oulun Opaskartta on yleistetty karttatuote, jonka ylläpitomittakaava on 1:10 000. Oulun Opaskartta kattaa seuraavat Oulun seudun kuntien opaskartat: Hailuoto, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Oulu ja Tyrnävä. Kartta...
The guide map of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is a map of the area with a generalised documentation technique, produced to assist in positioning and guidance. The guide map is produced from the guide map data...