Data on the amount of loans in every City of Espoo library in 2010-2016. Data on long-distance and electronic loans are not included.
This dataset provides data on customer loans at Vantaa libraries. The data consists of two files. The loan customers table includes a randomly selected 35-day period in 2015. This table provides the following...
The numbers of loans by library at the City of Helsinki libraries since 1984. Long-distance and electronic loans are not included. Attributes: kirjasto (library) vuosi (year) lainaus (number of loans)
Number of visitors at every City of Helsinki library since 1984. Attributes: kirjasto (library) vuosi (year) käynnit (visitors)
Monthly visits in every library of the City of Helsinki since January 1999. Attributes: kirjasto (library name) vuosi (year) kuukausi (month) käynnit (number of visits)
Monthly volumes of loans for each Helsinki City Library location since January 1996. Data on long-distance and electronic loans are not included. Attributes: kirjasto / library vuosi / year kuukausi / month lainaus:...
The dataset includes the answers to the Nice city centre for visitors survey. The data was collected between 17 September and 19 October 2014. The survey received nearly 1,800 map comments. Among other things, the...
Number of loans at the City of Helsinki library since 1860 as well as the population figures at the same time. The data is partially incomplete in the earlier part of the time series. Attributes vuosi (year) lainaus...
Numbers of books and book loans by language at the Helsinki City Library since 2001.
Museovirasto kerää ja julkaisee vuosittain museoalan toimialakohtaista tilastotietoa. Tilastotietoa kerätään Suomen ammatillisesti hoidetuilta museoilta. Vuosittaiset taulukot sisältävät museotilastoinnin piirissä...
This dataset provides data on all visits at the five city-owned swimming pools in Vantaa (Hakunila, Korso, Martinlaakso, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila) in 2014. The data has been sorted by day and time. The data also...
The numbers of visitors to the five swimming halls owned by the City of Vantaa (Hakunila, Korso, Martinlaakso, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila) by month. Visitors are recorded by different user groups. The user groups vary to...
Grants awarded by the Youth Sub-committee of the City of Helsinki Culture and Leisure Committee in 2002-2020. The dataset includes information on the beneficiary of the grant, the form of association, the location,...
Statistical tables of Helsinki’s Nuoret alueittain (Youth by Area) publications. Nuoret alueittain was published by the City of Helsinki Urban Facts between 2005 and 2014. The publication contains regional data on,...
Oulun kaupungin ajankohtaisia uutisia, tiedotteita ja tapahtumia rss-muodossa.
This dataset contains the answers to the City of Helsinki's cyclist barometer survey starting from 2014. The survey researched the attitudes of Helsinki residents towards cycling, as well as multiple quantitative...
Aineistoluettelo sisältää PIKI-tietokannassa olevan bibliografisen metadatan. Uusin data on ajalta 7.11.2012. Mukana ovat sekä emotietueet (esim. CD-levy) että osakohteet (esim. CD-levyn kappaleet). Luettelossa on...
Yle Arkiston ylläpitämän lehtiartikkeliviitetokannan datan vuoden 2015 loppuun asti. Tietokantaa pidetään yllä Yle Arkiston tietopalvelun tarpeisiin muita suomalaisa viitetokantoja, kuten Aleksia ja Artoa...
Suomi syö ja juo translates as Finland eats and drinks. It’s a project by twelve Finnish museums all taking part in the collaborative network of professional finnish museums called TAKO, which in turn is short for...