Aluekunnossapidon ja infrarakennuttamisen ostolaskut v. 2023
Raportti kuvailee SAPA-alustakehitysprojektin aikaansaannokset.
Dataset contains TF-IDF data matrices targeted for machine learning use. Matrices are generated from document corpora based on 7400 Master's and doctoral theses published in the years 2010 to 2017, collected from the...
Dataset contains TF-IDF data matrices targeted for machine learning use. Matrices are generated from document corpora based on metadata that has been extracted from the service in 2019 via its open API....
Dataset contains TF-IDF data matrices generated from "Ask a librarian" question/answer corpus and targeted for machine learning use. Corpus is in Finnish. Data matrices are especially suitable for training Extreme...
Tämä dokumentti kuvaa SAPA-hankkeen vaiheistetun toteutussuunnitelman vuosille 2020-2022. SAPA-alustan toteuttamisesta vastaa opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön linjausten mukaan CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikkakeskus Oy....
This document describes the solution architecture for the SAPA service entity, which defines the operational needs of the service, outlines the architectures that steer operations, and identifies the required...