The base map of Helsinki is a large-scale (1:500) map maintained by the Urban Environment Division’s City Survey Services and used as a basis for city planning and civil engineering. The base map serves as a map...
The numbers of visitors to the five swimming halls owned by the City of Vantaa (Hakunila, Korso, Martinlaakso, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila) by month. Visitors are recorded by different user groups. The user groups vary to...
Statistical tables of the Helsinki by District annual publications. Helsinki by District is a statistical handbook that describes not only the history and current appearance of the areas, but also the future trend...
The regional map is general map dataset compiled from the data of the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region. The map is divided into sections describing land use (built-up area, undeveloped area, industrial area,...
The dataset provides the locations of public water posts in the Helsinki metropolitan area. City residents can freely fetch water from the water posts (e.g. fill their water bottles). The attribute data includes the...
The population grid contains grid-based data on the population total, age distribution and occupancy rate of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material covers the years 1997–2003 and 2008–. Attribute data...
The City of Helsinki awards annual grants to non-profit activities that support the City's activities and objectives. Various types of grants are available to registered associations, limited companies, foundations,...
The dataset contains answers to a survey regarding the use of the Helsinki Region Infoshare service (HRI) which is an open data service owned by the cities of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The survey was targeted to...
District heat production need MW hourly timeseries in Helsinki from 2015 onwards.
NOTE: The API is currently not in use due to renewal of the information system. The renewed API is scheduled to be published in 2025. An API to the City of Helsinki digital feedback system. The API allows requesting...
A household mixed waste composition study in the Helsinki metropolitan area is carried out every three years. The results are presented in averages and by property group as well %-share and kg/property/resident. The...
The statistics are based on waste quantity data collected from companies and entities. Waste amounts are reported by waste fraction in terms of industry averages, kg/man-year. The statistics can be found from...
Historical guide maps of Helsinki from 1940, 1952, 1962 and 1999. The guide maps include the following Information: place names, streets, roads and railway connections, public buildings, residential areas, industrial...
Datasets produced by the Finnish Meteorological Institute on the safe construction height and the maximum estimated significant wave height in the Helsinki area. The data is available for download in several formats,...
The morbidity index is calculated by means of three register variables describing the morbidity of the population. These are the share of people on disability pension among the working-age population, the share of...
The dataset includes the official place names of Helsinki, i.e. the names of streets, parks and other public areas confirmed in the detailed plans. The names are in Finnish and Swedish. The names are accompanied by...
Monthly statistics on the numbers of visitors at swimming halls in Espoo since 2009 and an annual summary since 2004. If a field contains the value of 0, the swimming hall was closed for that month.
The aim of the dataset is to identify potential new locations for services and operations along the Helsinki shore route. The data has been collected through an internal map survey at the City of Helsinki Urban...
The detailed plans index map (detailed plans situation map) of Helsinki is a combined map of the city’s valid detailed plans. The index map describes the boundaries, numbers and dates of the detailed plans. The...
The regional address catalogue contains information about the addresses and place names of properties and plan units located in the area (so-called zero address). The information in the regional address catalogue is...