Etuuksien ratkaisut


From the dataset abstract

This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled 'Decisions on benefit applications ', which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. It includes data on the number of decisions issued by Kela on applications for benefit. The dataset contains annual data starting from 2004 and monthly data from January 2018.

Average application turnaround times are shown as the quotient of PVT and RATKAISUT_LASKENTA_LKM. This is because a turnaround time is not calculated for all decisions on benefit applications, including terminations of benefit, decisions on student financial aid benefits not preceded by a submitted application, and automated decisions on claims for unemployment benefits and reimbursements for travel costs.

The mean turnaround time is usually equal to the difference between the date of receipt of the have been application and the date on which it was determined, expressed in calendar days. The turnaround time also includes time spent obtaining and processing any additional information that may have been needed.

Source: Etuuksien ratkaisut



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Format CSV
File size 129876
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 17 February 2025
Metadata last updated 17 February 2025
Created 16 May 2022
SHA256 6d6e3be5f4de70d39795588a8465de1328a4ca90880fc452d67cac9a3f3c2e1c