The material contains location-specific data collected on a calendar year basis on housing production in the Helsinki region in 2012-2015. The data covers the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region.
Housing production materials describe completed and started apartments as point geometries. Some point geometries contain housing production data for more than one building.
Attribute data
- ID: Unique identifier of the site
- Kunta: Name of the municipality of the site
- Kunta_nro: Municipality identifier
- Talotyyppi: AP = detached house, AK = apartment building
- Asunt_lkm: Number of completed apartments at the site
- Valmvuosi / Aloitusvuosi: Year the site was completed or started
- ARAtuotant: ARA site; right-of-residence site; otherwise empty
- Geometria: points
The data has been produced and utilised in monitoring the achievement of the objectives of the Helsinki region letter of intent on land use, housing and transport 2012-2015. The data is not updated.
The coordinate system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25.
© Municipalities of the Helsinki region, HSY, and the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
Interface address:,
layers: valmistuneet_asunnot_mal_2012_15 and aloitetut_asunnot_mal_2012_15