Helsingin seudun liikenteen (HSL) liityntäpysäköintipaikat

Fintraffic LIIPI

From the dataset abstract

Note: Park-and-ride (last updated in May 2024) was HSL's service that has now been replaced by Finntraffic's LIIPI. The new service can be found at https://parking.fintraffic.fi/ (in Finnish). For more information, please visit https://www.fintraffic.fi/fi/fintraffic/liityntapysakoinnin-tietopalvelu-liipi (in Finnish).

Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) park-and-ride service provided information about park-and-ride spaces in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The service included, for example, information on the location, opening hours, capacities and pricing of park-and-ride spaces and the parties maintaining the parking spaces and their contact details.

A park-and-ride facility is a set of park-and-ride spaces that are, for example, located in connection with a station. Kannelmäki is an example of a park-and-ride facility. A park-and-ride facility usually includes several park-and-ride spaces.

A park-and-ride space is a single parking area for either car parking or bicycle parking. In practice, single park-and-ride spaces are always connected to a park-and-ride facility.

Source: Helsingin seudun liikenteen (HSL) liityntäpysäköintipaikat


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Data last updated 28 May 2024
Metadata last updated 5 September 2024
Created 28 May 2024
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