Kunnan osarahoittaman työmarkkinatuen saajat ja maksetut etuudet kunnittain


From the dataset abstract

This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Number of recipients of labour market subsidy partly financed by municipalities and benefit expenditure, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The data are aggregated at the municipality level. The municipality providing funding is the unemployed person?s home municipality as of the payment date of the labour market subsidy, and the regional classification corresponds to the situation as of the month in which the costs are invoiced. Annual data are available starting from 2006, and monthly and cumulative data from 2015.

Starting from 2014, the municipality data are based on the situation in the month in which the costs are invoiced, i.e., the month following payment, which means that December payments in dissolved municipalities are included in the data for the successor municipality.

The classification (TYOMARKKINATUKIPAIVA_LUOKKA) used to indicate the final cumulative total for days on labour market subsidy during unemployment can receive the following values: 'Total', '300-499', '500-999' ja '1000'. A single person may have belonged to several classes in a given month, but data on recipient totals and benefit expenditures are derived from the dataset only once per month when the value ?Total? is used to narrow down the analysis.

The dataset only includes labour market subsidies for which municipalities have contributed funding. Labour market subsidies paid during participation in employment-promoting services or subsidies entirely funded by the state are not included. In 2006-2014 the municipalities financed 50% of the labour market subsidies paid during unemployment to recipients who had been paid labour market subsidy for at least 500 days of unemployment. At the beginning of 2015 the municipal funding was extended to cover recipients who have been paid labour market subsidy for at least 300 days of unemployment: For those who received labour market subsidy for 300 - 999 days, the municipality funding share is 50%, and for those having received it for 1,000 days or more, 70%.

A single person may have received labour market subsidy payments from several municipalities during a given month or year. This means that recipient totals for the whole country should not be derived from this dataset but from the corresponding dataset for the whole country.

Source: Kunnan osarahoittaman työmarkkinatuen saajat ja maksetut etuudet kunnittain


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Format JSON
File size 45466
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 15 November 2024
Metadata last updated 15 November 2024
Created 12 August 2021
SHA256 b5847ea6e23144d1a8568c9dddc8e778ca21a0136e3b662ac48f99364cd6b280