City of Vantaa's comprehensive school admission areas

The boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools maintained by the City of Vantaa, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The dataset contains the admission areas for Finnish-language basic education.

Where possible, the areas reflect the division of city districts. The admission areas of Finnish-language comprehensive schools are combined areas of several schools.

The admission area of Swedish-speaking schools is the whole of Vantaa, and its boundaries have not been presented separately in the data. In addition, the International School of Vantaa and specialised education are so-called secondary admission, which is not affected by the pupil’s home address, so the division of admission areas is not used for them.

The material can be viewed at the City of Vantaa map service:

The coordinate system of the dataset is:

  1. Esri Shape: ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
  2. MapInfo: ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)

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Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Vantaan kasvatuksen ja oppimisen toimiala
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Geographical coverage
Last modified 12.10.2023
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Created on 16.10.2015