City of Vantaa light traffic route centre lines, including not only pedestrian and cycle paths, but also fitness tracks and outdoor trails.
The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service:
Coordinate systems:
- Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
API address:
gis:kevytliikenne: attributes, data types and translation:
- luokka (string): Category
- luokkakoodi (string): Class code
- nimi (string): Name
- typpi (string): Type
- leveys (double): Width
- paallyste (string): Material of the topmost layer
- hierarkia (string): Hierarchy
- hallinnollinen_luokka (string): Administrative class
- taso (string): Level
- talvikunnossapito (boolean): Winter maintenance
- valaistu (boolean): Lit area or not
- liikennevalot (boolean): Traffic lights
- koroke (boolean): Podium
- viistetty (boolean): Beveled
- jalankulku (boolean): Pedestrian access
- luonti_pvm (date): Date of creation
- muokkaus_pvm (date): Date of edit
- pyoraily (boolean): Cycling