- moderni kiinteistövälittäjä

Blok is a new type of real estate agency where the seller shows the apartment to interested buyers while the staff at takes care of the rest, including photographing the apartment, creating the listing, tending to marketing and arranging for brochures, the deed of sale and other documents required to sell an apartment.

The company utilises open data broadly. Blok offers different statistics and visualisations based on open data on their website. Take a look at the residential area price comparison or travel time comparison in Greater Helsinki. You can also discover the value of your apartment with's evaluation tool.


  1. 2020-02-22-065909.792899hinta-arvio.JPG
  2. 2020-02-22-065909.857204asuinalueet.JPG
  3. 2020-02-22-065909.908464asuinaluevertailu.JPG

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Published: 21 February 2020, 15:01 (UTC+00:00)
Last Updated: 9 September 2022, 12:22 (UTC+00:00)