Know Your Hoods - asuinalueiden hakukone

Know Your Hoods helps you to find the most fitting neighbourhood for you to move to. You can also use the service to learn more about the neighbourhood you live in and to get to know all the fascinating places and services nearby.

There are different search criteria that you can use to filter your search. You can choose, for example, in what kind of environment you would want to live in, what kind of services you need to have nearby and what is the suitable price level for you. The search engine finds the most fitting neighbourhoods from all the municipalities that are in the service. You can look at pictures and videos of the neighbourhoods and learn more about the area through texts, statistics and stories from the residents who are already living in the area. Know Your Hoods is available in Finnish and English.

The service is provided by Choose Your Future team – a Finnish start-up from Turku that is specialised in offering digital solutions for social integration. Know Your Hoods -service's concept won an innovation contest organised by the Regional Council of Southwest Finland in which the goal was to develop solutions that use open data to highlight the appeal of neighbourhoods and municipalities. Following this achievement, the development of the first version started and the first beta-version was launched in the summer 2019. Development work for adding new municipalities and neighbourhoods to the service is already in progress.

Open data that was used to develop the service

  • Open Street Maps
    • Know Your Hoods -service is based Open Street Maps and a part of the information used in the service is calculated using Open Street Maps data
  • Kuntajako-dataset by National Land Survey of Finland
    • Regional division of Turku
  • Turun kaupunginosat -dataset by City of Turku
    • Districts of Turku
  • Vanhojen osakeasuntojen keskihinnat ja kauppojen lukumäärät postinumeroalueittain ja rakennusvuosittain, 2010-2018 by Statistics Finland
    • Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal codes.
  • Paavo - Open data by postal code areas by Statistics Finland
    • The data about building stock and population demography was used in the development of the service
  • Varsinais-Suomen palvelut - maakunnallinen palvelupisteaineisto by Regional Council of Southwest Finland
    • Data about specific services in the Southwest Finland region, updated version.

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  1. 2019-08-02-131608.545638kuva1hakutulokset.JPG
  2. 2019-08-02-123855.968823kuva3aluesivupalvelut.jpg
  3. 2019-08-02-131609.191997kuva2aluesivu.jpg

Additional Info

Showcase website:
Author website:
Published: 2 August 2019, 12:38 (UTC+00:00)
Last Updated: 9 September 2022, 12:23 (UTC+00:00)
category: ["alueet-ja-kaupungit", "vaesto-ja-yhteiskunta", "ymparisto-ja-luonto"]