Concerts performed and organised by Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO) and the works performed since 1882. The dataset is updated twice a year. In connection with the update, changes and additions to the historical...
Population of Vantaa contains the most important population data concerning the whole city and its districts. It includes data, for example, on the age and gender structure of the population, native languages,...
Income and expenditure of the City of Espoo by account and cost centre according to the financial statements starting from 2011. The dataset includes information on the sectors, municipal enterprises and balance...
Statistical tables of the Helsinki by District annual publications. Helsinki by District is a statistical handbook that describes not only the history and current appearance of the areas, but also the future trend...
Helsinki City Library’s statistics for different years on library card users by gender and age group. The time series starts from 2007. Users of the library card include customers who, during the year, have:...
Environmental permits in the City of Helsinki. The Environmental Protection Act defines the activities that require an environmental permit. The Environmental Protection Decree, on the other hand, determines whether...
Excel file: Results of the joint application of Finnish- and Swedish-language upper secondary schools in Helsinki in 2012-2023. The dataset includes the number of applicants and selected candidates, as well as the...
Excel file: Admission criteria for upper secondary schools in Helsinki in 2000-2023. From 2014 onwards, the data is also available from the Vipunen service maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Population in Helsinki by age and district in 2004-.
SeutuRAMAVA contains data on lot reserve based on the reserve of legally valid city plans in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data has been calculated for the data by district and statistical area. NB: The latest...
Househoulds in Helsinki by size, oldest person and district in 2004-.
Househoulds in Helsinki by number of persons and district in 2004-
This dataset provides information about population changes in Helsinki by district in 2003-.
This dataset provides data about one person househoulds in Helsinki by sex, age and district in 2004-.
Population and foreign people in Helsinki by place of birth, age and district in 2004-.
Population and foreign people in Helsinki by citizenship, age and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by language, age and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by religious affiliation, sex and age in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by language and age in 2004-.
Other population in Helsinki or people whose residential area has not defined by age in 2004-.