Budget of the City of Espoo

City of Espoo’s original budget data from 2012 onwards. The data is allocation scheme level data. The dataset includes the city’s operating income and expenses, financial income and expenses, tax income, central government transfers, depreciation and amortisation, imputed interest and profit processing items. In addition, the data includes information on the city’s investments by asset type.


  • Toimiala / Sector: The four (previously five) sectors of the City of Espoo, as well as municipal enterprises and balance units. In addition, a breakdown of investments by asset type and financial items.
  • Yksikkö / Unit: Units and municipal enterprises according to the organisational structure and breakdown of investments and financial items.
  • TEAlue / Division: A detailed breakdown by division according to the organisational structure.
  • Kustannuspaikka / Cost centre: The level of organisation to which the budget data is allocated in the utilisation plan.
  • Alakustannuspaikka 1 / Sub-cost centre 1: Specifying dimension.
  • Alakustannuspaikka 2 / Sub-cost centre 2: Specifying dimension.
  • Tili (ks. lista alla) / Account (see list below)
  • TA / Budget: Original budget approved by the City Council (€).
  • Vuosi / Year: Budget year.


  • Operating income, external 3000–3999
  • Operating income, internal 9800–9899 and 9160–9199
  • Operating expenditure, external 4000–4999 (excl. 4480 and 4640)
  • Operating expenditure, internal 9700–9799 and 9060–9099
  • Taxes, central government transfers and investments 5000–5999
  • Financial items 6000–6999
  • Depreciations 7000–7999
  • Extraordinary items, provisions, imputed items 8000–9011
  • Investment expenditure 9200–9299, 4480 and 4640
  • Investment income 9500–9699
  • Loans and borrowings 9300–9499

Data resources

Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Espoon kaupungin konsernihallinto
Maintainer email
  1. talous@espoo.fi
Geographical coverage
Update frequency
Last modified 27.03.2025
Show change log
Created on 07.01.2014