The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute information indicates how many meters higher (positive value) or lower (negative value) the pixel is in relation to the average elevation of the surrounding zone....
The datasets are raster map layers produced using a linear regression model. Both map layers have been generated for the Turku region. In addition to Turku, the dataset covers some parts of the neighboring...
The dataset is a raster map layer produced through a linear regression model. In addition to Tampere, the dataset covers some parts of the neighboring municipalities. The regression model has been calibrated in the...
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute information indicates how many meters higher (positive value) or lower (negative value) the pixel is in relation to the average elevation of the surrounding zone....
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute information indicates how many meters higher (positive value) or lower (negative value) the pixel is in relation to the average elevation of the surrounding zone....
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute information indicates the relative water area within a certain-sized area around each pixel. There are separate raster layers for different-sized areas that are 300...
The dataset is a raster map layer produced through a linear regression model. The regression model for 'Predicted air temperature' dataset has been calibrated for the Turku region and transferred to the Oulu region....
The dataset is a raster map layer produced through a linear regression model. In addition to the Espoo, Helsinki and Vantaa, the dataset covers some parts of the neighboring municipalities. The regression model has...
The data is in raster format, in which the attribute information indicates the relative area of water bodies within a specific area. There are separate raster layers for different sized calculation areas that are 300...
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute data is the relative surface area of urban land cover within a certain-sized area around each pixel. There are different raster layers for various-sized areas, in...
The spatial data set contains Finland's old villages from the 16th to the 20th century.
Aineisto sisältää Turun ammattikorkeakoulun palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden ostot vuosilta 2022-2023. Aineistoissa on mukana myös ulkoisella rahoituksella (mm. kansallinen ja kansainvälinen...
Aineisto sisältää Kolarin kunnan y-tunnukselliset ostolaskut. Aineistosta ilmenee mm. ostolaskun ajankohta-, tosite- ja tiliöintitiedot, palveluluokka sekä toimittajan nimi. Aineisto on poimittu...
Tilastotietoja Turun kaupungin osa-alueittain. Aineisto sisältää aluejaot: koko kaupunki (853 Turku) ja pienalueet (853+kuusi numeroa). Alkuperäiset aineistot on tuottanut Tilastokeskus. Turun kaupungin avoimen datan...
Turun seudun kuntajako. Julkaistut tasot: WFS-rajapinta: GIS:Kuntajako OGC API -rajapinta: Kuntajako Lisätiedot: Avoimet paikkatietorajapinnat
The data is in raster format, in which the attribute information indicates the relative area of water bodies within a specific area. There are separate raster layers for different-sized calculation areas that are 300...
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute data is the relative surface area of urban land cover within a certain-sized area around each pixel. There are different raster layers for various-sized areas, in...
The data is a raster layer, in which the attribute data is the relative surface area of urban land cover within a certain-sized area around each pixel. There are different raster layers for various-sized areas, in...
Vieremän kunnan ostolaskudata vuodelta 2022 on julkaistu. Aineisto sisältää kunnan palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden, investointien sekä vuokrien ostolaskutiedot. Ostolaskudatasta on poistettu maksetut...
Keravan ja Tuusulan yhteisessä kehityshankkeessa luotu materiaalipaketti kunnille henkilöstön paikkatieto-osaamisen lisäämiseksi. Materiaalipaketti sisältää tiedot hankkeesta, paikkatiedon perehdytysmateriaalin,...