Monthly visits in every library of the City of Helsinki since January 1999. Attributes: kirjasto (library name) vuosi (year) kuukausi (month) käynnit (number of visits)
Monthly volumes of loans for each Helsinki City Library location since January 1996. Data on long-distance and electronic loans are not included. Attributes: kirjasto / library vuosi / year kuukausi / month lainaus:...
The dataset includes the answers to the Nice city centre for visitors survey. The data was collected between 17 September and 19 October 2014. The survey received nearly 1,800 map comments. Among other things, the...
Number of loans at the City of Helsinki library since 1860 as well as the population figures at the same time. The data is partially incomplete in the earlier part of the time series. Attributes vuosi (year) lainaus...
Numbers of books and book loans by language at the Helsinki City Library since 2001.
Vantaa's guide maps from different years are available through the WMS interface. In addition, the maps can be viewed in the Vantaa Map Service. The tourist map is a guide map to getting around the area of Vantaa. It...
The 3D city model of the City of Helsinki dataset combines a 3D surface model depicting the ground surface, orthophotographs depicting the city and Helsinki’s 3D buildings (precision level LOD1). The dataset covers...
Asty Web is Helsinki Region Transport's internet database, which provides research information on passenger satisfaction in public transportation. It is possible to make custom tables, reports and graphs from your...
The dataset includes the purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods by the City of Espoo, as well as rents and other expenses paid, since 2012. The dataset includes the purchase invoice information of the...
This dataset provides data on all visits at the five city-owned swimming pools in Vantaa (Hakunila, Korso, Martinlaakso, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila) in 2014. The data has been sorted by day and time. The data also...
The 3D buildings of Helsinki (LOD1) dataset includes buildings located in Helsinki as a three-dimensional model (3D). The level of detail of the dataset is LOD1. There are four LOD levels, LOD1 being the simplest,...
The numbers of visitors to the five swimming halls owned by the City of Vantaa (Hakunila, Korso, Martinlaakso, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila) by month. Visitors are recorded by different user groups. The user groups vary to...
Pyhäjoen kunnan ja Raahen kaupungin alueille sijoittuvalle Hanhikiven niemelle laadittu maakuntakaava on maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain mukainen juridinen kaava, jonka on laatinut Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto ja sen on...
Pohjois-Savon liitto, Pohjois-Savon maakuntakaava 2030, suunnittelija Mikko Rummukainen, 044 714 2655, Mittakaava: 1:200 000 ja Kuopion seudun maakuntakaavan muutosten osalta 1:100...
Sisältää Pohjois-Karjalan vahvistettujen maakuntakaavojen kaavavaraukset. Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntakaava (1. vaihe) on vahvistettu / julkaistu 20.12.2007, maakuntakaavan täydennys (2. vaihe) on vahvistettu / julkaistu...
Grants awarded by the Youth Sub-committee of the City of Helsinki Culture and Leisure Committee in 2002-2020. The dataset includes information on the beneficiary of the grant, the form of association, the location,...
The Helsinki districts dataset includes the boundary lines of the city districts, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The initial data for the maintenance of the city district dataset is the base map...
The Helsinki district division data includes the boundary lines of the districts within the city, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The district division system of Helsinki is a regional division of...
The dataset includes the boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools and pre-primary education maintained by the City of Helsinki, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The dataset...
The data includes the purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods by the City of Vantaa since 2012. The dataset includes the purchase invoice information of all the City of Vantaa’s divisions, municipal...