Espoo ground surface dataset depicts the ground surface of Espoo in 2017 and 2013. The data has been collected by laser scanning. The data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground. The ground...
The Helsinki hillshading image, or shaded relief image, is a raster data that visualises elevation variations in the terrain. The dataset was produced from the 2017 “ground point” laser scanning data. The data...
Turun kaupunki tarjoaa kolmiulotteista kaupunkitietomallia avoimena datana. Turun kaupunkitietomalli on älykäs kolmiulotteinen malli, joka koostuu sekä rekisteritiedosta että geometriatiedosta. Kaupunkitietomalli on...
Helsinki’s LiDAR data is a series of laser point clouds that cover the entire area of the city. The LiDAR data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground and objects on the ground. The LiDAR data...