Turun ja Kaarinan vesihuoltojen talousvesihuollon toiminta-alue. Julkaistut tasot: WFS-rajapinta: GIS:talousvesi_toiminta_alue OGC API -rajapinta: Talousvesi toiminta-alue Lisätiedot: Avoimet paikkatietorajapinnat
Turun kaupungin kaupunkiympäristön palvelukokonaisuudella on käytössään niin kutsuttuja tekniikkapollareita, joista saa sähköä ja osasta myös vettä. Pollareita vuokrataan myös tapahtumakäyttöön. Pollareita sijaitsee...
In its area of operation, HSY provides for the distribution and sewage drainage of domestic water in accordance with the needs of community development. Within the water supply service area, the property must join the...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
The dataset provides the locations of public water posts in the Helsinki metropolitan area. City residents can freely fetch water from the water posts (e.g. fill their water bottles). The attribute data includes the...
The material covers basic data on water utility operations and resulting indicators. The data is submitted annually to the information system of the Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA). The material includes...
Helsinki Environmental Statistics is an online statistics service collecting the essential variables describing the state of the environment and burdens on the environment in Helsinki. As a rule, the data of the...
The statistical yearbook of the City of Vantaa has been published since Vantaa became a city 1974. The yearbook is a compilation work that aims to describe Vantaa and its residents as comprehensively as possible with...