The information is data used in the publication Espoo by region 2022, and the publication itself can be found on the Espoo website at the link...
Porvoon aluekohtainen ruututason väestöennuste perustuu Porvoon koodipohjaiseen ennusteeseen. Ennuste päivitetään vuosittain. Yksittäisen ruudun data ei ole käyttökelvollinen väestön ennustamiseen, mutta ruututasoinen...
The Nordstat database, implemented in cooperation between the Nordic countries, contains basic statistics as time series on the largest cities and urban regions in the Nordic countries. The statistics for entire...
Population projection for the entire Helsinki and Helsinki region by age (and gender) in three options and the projection for Helsinki by area. In addition, the data includes the projection of residential construction...
The population grid contains grid-based data on the population total, age distribution and occupancy rate of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material covers the years 1997–2003 and 2008–. Attribute data...
The population of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area by age and area on 31st December and a population projection for the coming years. Until the projection for 2019–2034, the compilation date of the population was...
The population of Vantaa as a whole, by major district and city district and by gender and age (0–99 years) on 31 December and population projection for the coming years. The statistical date was 1 January until...
The population of Vantaa by gender and age (0–99 years) on 31st December and the population projection for the coming years. The statistical date was 1 January until 2022. The population projection applies to...