City of Helsinki road map

City of Helsinki's traffic routes (centreline data) contains digitised centrelines of pedestrian, cycling and vehicular traffic routes in Helsinki. They are classified according to the design guidelines for street and cycle traffic. Characteristics include bridges and underpasses, one-way and two-way cycling routes and hierarchy. Light traffic route types and multiple parallel lanes have been combined into a single line.

The data is available for download in several formats, including JSON, KML, GIF, Tiff, GeoTiff, JPEG, PNG CSV, Esri Shape. Available formats can always be found under OutputFormat in the GetCapabilities query for the service.

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879), can be projected to other coordinate systems. See GetCapabilities query for other possible coordinate systems.

API addresses:

WFS layers:

  • Liikennevaylat


  • id: Unique identifier of the object
  • uuid: Unique identifier
  • paatyyppi: Upper spesification of the road type
  • alatyyppi: More spesific road type
  • silta_alikulku: Indicates whether the road is on a bridge, underpass or at ground level
  • yksisuuntaisuus: Indicates whether the street is one-way
  • hierarkia: Hierarchy
  • nimi: Name
  • pituus: Length of the line
  • lisatietoja: More information
  • yhtdatanomistaja: Name of the owner of the data
  • paivitetty_tietopalveluun: Date of update of the data (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • geom: Geometry of the object

Data resources

Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Links to additional information
Geographical coverage
Update frequency
Last modified 09.09.2024
Show change log
Created on 13.01.2015