Vantaa's control points on a map.
The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service:
API address:
gis:kiinteistokartta: attributes, data types and translation:
- id (int): ID of the point
- pistenumero (int):
- tyyppi (string): Type
- olemassaolo (string): Status, if still there or dissapeared etc.
- alusta (string): Platform, on which the point was recorded
- rakenne (string): Structure or object, on which the point was recorded, such as a metal pipe inside stone or bolt in a solid rock
- nakyvyys (string): Visibility of the structure or object
- x (double): X-coordinate
- y (double): Y-coordinate
- korkeus (int): Height
- korkeus_maanpinnasta (string): Height above ground
- koordinaattijarjestelma (string): Coordinate system
- korkeusjarjestelma (string): Height system
- tasoluokka (string):
- korkeusluokka (string):
- tasotarkkuus (int): Accuracy of the area
- korkeustarkkuus (int): Accuracy of the height
- alkuperakoodi (int):
- lajitunnus (int):
- tunnus1 (int): ID 1
- tunnus2 (int): ID 2
- luonti_pvm (date): Date of creation
- muokkaus_pvm (date): Date of modification