Vantaan ortoilmakuvat


From the dataset abstract

Vantaa's orthophotographs from different years are available through the WMS interface. An orthophoto is an aerial map of the entire area of Vantaa. An orthophotograph is an aerial mosaic of aerial photographs corrected to a map projection, showing the ground surface as seen perpendicularly from the air and corrected for a plane map.

In addition, false colour images of Vantaa are available for the years 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2021. A false colour image is also a georeferenced image (it can be used as a map), but it differs in colour from other orthophotographs. In the false-colour image, vegetation appears red and inanimate surface appears grey/bluish depending on the colour adjustments. The false-colour images can be used to identify tree species and stand condition and are used in forest management planning.

The resolution of a published orthophotograph, i.e. the size of a single pixel, is about 20 cm in the landscape, depending on the year of the image.

API address:


  • Ortoilmakuva 1954
  • Ortoilmakuva 1976
  • Ortoilmakuva 1986
  • Ortoilmakuva 1998
  • Ortoilmakuva 2001
  • Ortoilmakuva 2004
  • Ortoilmakuva 2007
  • Ortoilmakuva 2009
  • Ortoilmakuva 2011
  • Väärävärikuva 2011
  • Ortoilmakuva 2013
  • Ortoilmakuva 2015
  • Väärävärikuva 2015
  • Ortoilmakuva 2016
  • Ortoilmakuva 2017
  • Ortoilmakuva 2019
  • Väärävärikuva 2019
  • Väärävärikuva 2021
  • Ortoilmakuva

Dates each year:

  • 11.-13.5.1954
  • 9.-11.5.1976
  • 29.6.1986
  • 3.9.1998 and 9.9.1998
  • 29.6.2001
  • 25.5.-3.6.2004
  • 4.-5.8.2007
  • 22.6.-2.9.2009
  • 4.–11.6.2011
  • 4.–11.6.2011
  • 15.6.-7.7.2013
  • 12., 17. and 29.6.2015
  • 12., 17. and 29.6.2015
  • autumn 2016
  • 4.6 and 29.6.2017
  • 31.07.2019 - 26.08.2019
  • 31.07.2019 - 26.08.2019

Source: Vantaan ortoilmakuvat



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Additional information

Format WMS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 28 October 2020
Metadata last updated 15 February 2024
Created 28 October 2020
SHA256 -