The information is data used in the publication Espoo by region 2022, and the publication itself can be found on the Espoo website at the link...
The noise zones are calculated and indicative and do not necessarily reflect the noise situation at an individual site. The data is based on the 2022 noise assessment for the metropolitan area under the Environmental...
Boundary lines, names and identifiers of Espoo's Finnish- and Swedish-language school admission areas. The material can be viewed on the city of Espoo map service: Admission areas for Finnish-language schools...
Addresses in Espoo. The Espoo address list contains addresses and their location coordinates in the Espoo area. Street names are in Finnish and Swedish, and the address number can be found both with and without an...
Espoo outdoor routes are divided into a cycling map and Rantaraitti (Espoo's Waterfront Walkway). The information fields on the cycling map are more comprehensive, and it also includes Rantaraitti's paths. The route...
Vacant business plots in Espoo on the map. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API addresses: WFS: WFS: For QGIS 2.18 - 3.x versions:...
Regional divisions of Espoo. The sub-districts contain information about the names of the areas in Finnish, Swedish and the area number. Postcode areas are at the property boundary level, and contain information on...