This section describes what kind of user support an organisation can offer to data users and how user satisfaction can be measured.
The aim of the organisation is to generate interest in the data it has shared and promote its use. After all, the mere act of opening data is not always enough to lead to its widespread use. The use of opened data requires that
- the data’s existence is actively communicated
- its users are supported in different ways, and
- its users are solicited for feedback.
When the organisation supports its data users and collects feedback, it helps improve the interaction between them while also providing a likely boost in the data’s use. For example, feedback helps improve the quality and usability of data.
Data users must be able to trust that their wishes will be heard and that the data will be developed in a user-friendly manner. For this reason, organisations should be prepared to respond to feedback or questions from data users. The quality and amount of external feedback may vary, but it is worth engaging with – it could contain extremely valuable ideas.
The organisation should select feedback channels that are best suited for it and its data users, while taking its own resources into account. Whenever possible, open feedback channels can be used in user support, as these allow everyone to see and benefit from the feedback submitted by others. Such channels help create an open data community and promote data use. They also improve efficiency, as there is no need to respond to the same messages and feedback several times.
Ways of providing user support
Email is a simple channel for feedback and support. It is important to ensure that responses to feedback are given fast enough and that their quality is adequate. It may be advisable to set up a dedicated email address for the organisation’s open data initiatives, such as opendata@[organisation].com.
The Open Data service allows users to specify an administrator for each opened dataset. It is a good idea to use your organisation’s open data email address as their email address. The administrator is responsible for the content of the dataset and the feedback it receives. Dataset users can send a message to the administrator's e-mail address given in its metadata if, for example, they encounter problems with using it.
Many data portals have a forum where users can comment on datasets and discuss other similar topics. The discussion forums are intended as an accessible channel for discussions between data openers and users. All comments are public, meaning that all data users can see each other’s comments and talk about them with each other. This facilitates the work of both the data administrator and the user, as it lessens the need to ask and answer the same questions several times. The data administrator can also report on any changes made to the dataset on the discussion forum.
Open source examples of data usage
One of the most effective ways to support the use of data is to provide an open-source example of data utilisation. You can help your API users save time by providing an open-source example of how the API can be used.
If you publish your data through an API, it is a good idea to offer data users an example of how the API functions. An example helps the developer to make progress even if the documentation is inadequate. By presenting the features of your APIs to application developers, you will also receive feedback on their functionality that will help you in their development.
If users need a great deal of support, a helpline may also be a useful option. The contact information should be easy to find on the organisation's website, making it easy for users to get in touch if they have problems. Sometimes it may be necessary to set up a Frequently Asked Questions page if you repeatedly receive the same questions.
Useful measurement methods
In software testing, a ‘smoke test’ is conducted to find out roughly if the program works to begin with. In the same way, data can be subjected to a review by a developer who is able to determine quickly if something is fundamentally wrong with the dataset to be published. This will help you quickly correct any easy-to-spot errors in your publishing process. It is often a good idea to subject any soon-to-be-opened data to a user smoke test by asking users to experiment with the data in advance.
Measuring user satisfaction
The organisation should regularly measure user satisfaction with its datasets, as the results will allow the organisation to identify any potential development needs. This also provides the organisation with information about how the data it has shared has been used.
For example, user satisfaction can be investigated by publishing a social media survey where potential data users are asked what data they have used, for what purpose, how often, and whether using the data has been straightforward. If the organisation knows the people who use its data, it can also assess their user satisfaction by interviewing them.
Helsinki Region Infoshare’s user satisfaction surveys
Helsinki Region Infoshare has conducted user satisfaction surveys that have included questions about which open data offered on the HRI service the user has used, and in which format they would prefer to access the data. This survey has provided the HRI service with valuable feedback that will be taken into account in further measures. Read more about HRI’s 2021 user satisfaction survey results (in Finnish).