This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled School transport subsidy: Number of recipients and subsidies paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset includes data on...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Financial aid for students: Number of recipients and financial aid paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset contains data on...
The purchase invoice data of the Municipality of Merikarvia includes information on the purchase invoices for goods and services, investments, supplies and equipment purchases, and rents. From the purchase invoice...
Aineistossa on esitetty Suomen tieverkolla olevat eritasoliittymät ja se on luotu Suomen Väylissä olevaa teemakarttaa "Eritasoliittymät ja nollapisteet" varten. Aineisto ei ole automaattisen päivityksen piirissä ja...
Aineistossa on esitetty Suomen tieverkolla olevat nollapisteet ja nollapisteisiin mahdollisesti ohjaavat reitit. Aineistot on luotu Suomen Väylissä olevaa teemakarttaa "Eritasoliittymät ja nollapisteet" varten....
This dataset has been gathered from the 478 bachelor‘s theses written for the Finnish-taught ICT (Information and Communication Technology) degree program which were published between 2017 and 2022. Most of the theses...
Helsingin kaupungin ajantasa-asemakaavakartta on koostekartta hyväksytyistä ja lainvoiman saaneista asemakaavoista. Karttaan liittyy erillisenä karttana asemakaavahakemistokartta, jossa on esitetty asemakaavojen...
Suomen pintageologiakartta tehtiin OneGeology Europe –projektia varten digitoimalla Suomen maaperäkartta 1:1 000 000 vuodelta 1993 ja liittämällä siihen aineistoa Fennoskandian kilven kartasta (Geological map of the...
My Espoo on the map resident survey was carried out in the fall of 2020. About 6,600 Espoo residents from different parts of the city responded to the survey. Respondents made approximately 70,000 entries and comments...
The index map and regulations of the current status plans of the City of Vantaa. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the level in the map service by searching for 'City plans...
Various historical maps of Vantaa. For more information on the different maps, see the Descriptions of layers list. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the levels in the map...
Responsibilities for street maintenance in Vantaa and functional classes of streets. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API address: WMS:...
City map presentation produced from the MATTI system of Vantaa. It can be zoomed in and out of the entire map of Vantaa to a single plot map. The city map consists of several levels of detail. The most detailed level...
City of Vantaa light traffic route centre lines, including not only pedestrian and cycle paths, but also fitness tracks and outdoor trails. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find...
Vantaa's control points on a map. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the level in the map service by searching for 'Benchmarks', or by clicking here. API address: WMS:...
The property map contains the identifiers and boundaries of properties, parcels, rental areas and concession units on the map. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the level in...
Vantaa elevation model from 2008. The elevation model shows the height of the ground using shading and colouring. The colour scale and elevation figures can be found in the top right corner of the image. The material...
In the soil map, the soil is mapped to a depth of about one metre. The soil map does not provide information on soil layers deeper than this. The soil mapping was carried out at a scale of 1:2 000 or 1:10 000, so the...
Constructability map commissioned by Geotekniikka for the Vantaa area for 2022. The constructability map shows constructability classes, special areas that are highly unsuitable for construction, such as riverbed...
A soil investigation is an analysis of the properties of the soil in the construction area. The investigation results will be used to draw up a foundation plan or a statement on the type of foundation. Depending on...